07 June 2009

7th June 2009 - Sunday

High: 14.0
Low: -2.0
Days we didn't see any sun: (25)
Days swept snow from drive (1)
Days shovelled snow from drive (20)

It was a bright and sunny start and +2 at 8am this morning and by 1pm it was +12. There was a bit of cloud and a cool breeze blowing for most of the day making it feel quite cold.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are but the third English language blog I've run across here today. Greetings from the Desert Mountain West,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. It's been very rainy and unseasonably cool here the last couple days.

Rained on Utah Pride Parade yesterday.

Do you get many comments? I find I don't, which is why I've started randomly cruising our site, leaving comments. I hope you can find time to visit my blog, and also my homepage at www.examiner.com/x-6493-Salt-Lake-City-Literary-Examiner.

I hope the summer gets warmer for you.